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February 3, 2010

Some sort of online scrapbook...

I find over the years that it is important to keep all the little bits of things in your life for savoring some time later. I logged into my old Angelfire account after almost 5 years of inactivity and found so many hidden treasures. Niches I had created when I was still in middle school. Madlibs I had done back then still crack me up today. My Kenshin fanpage, the only side project that was completed - except all the links are broken today.

You know you're really passionate about something when...

You stop doing it for a while, but always find yourself coming back to it. There are a few things in my life I can classify under this category. Games like Yahoo! Towers, World of Warcraft, and Gunbound. Free verse poetry, another. And yet another, amateur webdesign.

This time around...

I kind of want to stick to it. I want to build on this for many years to come, and have this be a place where I share some bits of me with people I care about. My portfolio of unsuccessful writing, my bland photography, my ramblings, my favorite links. My crafts, my obsessions, my summaries of life.